Henrik Carlsson's Blog

All things me.

My thoughts on Super Mario 3D Land

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A little less than a month ago I bought Super Mario 3D Land for the Nintendo 3DS. I hadn’t (and still haven’t) really finished my playing of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D yet but I felt like getting another game and rest from the Zelda world for a while. So I searched around for popular and critically acclaimed 3DS games and found Super Mario 3D Land.

I liked the idea of getting a Mario title since I’ve always loved the Mario games for the NES and SNES and I’ve spent an incredible amount of time and devotion to Super Mario Land on the GameBoy. (I do not, however, like Super Mario 64 very much.) It seemed like most players and critics agreed that ”3D Land” was a better game then New Super Mario Bros. and that it used the unique features of the 3DS better.

So far I like it a lot! The levels are fun, and early on in the game they’re very easy which helped me getting into the groove. Now, as I’ve made it into the Special Worlds, the difficulty has risen quite a bit but since I’ve come this far I will not give up, even if it sometimes frustrates me to fail the same jump over and over.

Super Mario 3D Land uses the 3D effect of the 3DS in a very interesting way. The game is sort of a hybrid between a ”traditional” 2D platform Mario game and a 3D game like Mario 64. Sometimes depth-perception is really important to making a particular jump or clearing an entire course.

If you own a 3DS and like Mario games you should definitely buy Super Mario 3D Land. If you feel like it’s too easy in the beginning, stick with it! You’ll get your skills challenged as the game progresses.

Nintendo 3DS maintenance 

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I’ve been fiddling around with my Nintendo 3DS today, not really playing any games but more like doing maintenance. I finally crawled a Nintendo Networj ID and linked my 3DS to that. Not quite sure about every possible ups and downs of that but at least now I can download free content from the eShop (demoes, game updates, etc.). 

The ”app store” and social networking parts of Nintendo is really confusing! For instance, why is my Nintendo Club ID and my Nintendo Network ID two separate things? Since they both use the same email and username, are they actually one and the same now?

And why, oh why, can I only download things either in the foreground and thereby blocking all access to other things during the download, or in the background while the 3DS is in sleep mode. Why is there no regular background downloading?

And what happens when I fill up my SD card? From what I’ve gathered online, changing SD card in a 3DS is not a smooth process.