Henrik Carlsson's Blog

All things me.

Looking back on 2024 – the worst year of my life

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2024 turned out to probably be the worst year of my life.

The year started out nice, as far as I can remember. Nothing big comes to mind now, so I assume it was fairly routine. Me, Linn and the kids actually booked a trip to Greece for the month of May and we had some fun summer plans. The problems started for real in April.

I’m not going to go into too much detail, which might sound strange as I’m writing this. If I don’t want to write about it too much, why write at all? The way I see it, I write most of my life-related posts here for my own sake. It’s really like sort of a journal for me, but it is a potentially a very public forum and particularly when the things I write about involves other people – in this case my family – I want to be careful about the amount of details I share. That being said, the problems have been rooted in health issues for my son, Ebbe. In the early spring he started showing worsening symptoms of something that he’s had more or less of for his entire life. This time it would escalate and escalate and it took until the early fall before we finally got help. I’m not going to divulge the details about it, but it is not a fatal condition, and hopefully it won’t be chronic but we don’t really know that yet.

His health problem meant that the trip to Greece was a lot less idyllic than we planned, though in the end the positive moments outweighed the negative ones. As spring turned into summer things got worse and worse and for more or less the entire summer he was ”grounded” to the couch, just sitting still to not provoke the pain. It took a lot of effort for both us and for him to get him out of the house even for small things. We tried and succeeded a couple of times but there was a lot of frustration for all of us. The paradox of it all is that while much of the summer was truly terrible, some of our best moments as a family also happened this summer, mostly in the small, simple moments.

As the summer break ended and school resumed, Ebbe refused to go to school. The pain and the constant problems had taken a heavy toll on his psyche, so he was afraid of seeing his classmates again. We tried and fought, and begged and pleaded, and did everything we could but in the end we just couldn’t get him to go.

Late in September there was finally a plan in place to help him medically with the health issue and on October the 2nd we got checked into Uppsala Children’s hospital. What was meant to be a simple surgical procedure eventually turned out to having been done wrong and he needed a second operation to fix what was done wrong. The second operation succeeded but by then he had a really bad infection as a result of the first failed attempt and we ended up spending the entire month of October in the hospital and has had some medical care in the home ever since. In fact, as I’m writing this the night nurse just came by to take him off his drip.

It’s been a long, long few months. A lot was worsened by the failed surgery and I’ve been so angry at times. Angry at doctors, angry at life, angry at the world.

As the year came to a close he was getting better. We had a good time at Christmas and we all really wanted the year to end and move on to a new, better year. As 2025 started I think something inside me broke, probably all the tension, and I was tired beyond my ability to explain. It took a few days but then things turned for the better. Ebbe’s health has continually improved and tomorrow will be the last day of daily medical care in the home. And, best of all, this past week he started to work on going back to school and on Friday he managed to be there the whole day and he seems to actually long for Monday, and to be back and see his friends again.

2025 is off to a great start, and I hope I never have to experience another 2024 again.

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”Time is a train”, and I’m about to get left behind by it and miss my deadline for Achtung Perfection. So many things happening with the family right now that I’m not going to go into here but it’s making it really convinient for me to procrastinate and maybe even give up but tonight I sat down and did some editing. So many vocal takes to sort out! In the end I’m sort of back on track. I need to get some more work into it, record some more guitars and then actually focus on the mix but if I can get two more nights worth of work I will have something decent by the end of the month.

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I would love to have an integrated note taking and task management system. I would like to be able to write tasks [ ] like this anywhere in any note and have a single place where I can view all tasks. I also need to be able to use due dates. That last part is where Amplenotes just fell flat. It seemed to be just what I’m looking for but it doesn’t have due dates.

Too bad, it looked so promising.

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Does anybody know how to export my iTunes Music purchases (non-DRM) as .wav or .aac or similar? I want to listen to it outside of the Music App.

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18th of July

Linn, the kids and I are currently out with my dad’s camper van. This is the first night this time and we are at ”Furuvik”, an amusement park that we really like.

Last year we did the same thing and back then it took a while before it became a nice experience. The first night, and even more so the morning after the first night, it was really not a nice experience. All of us were in a bad mood and everybody where angry with each other. This year it seems much better.

We took quite a short trip in the park today and headed back too the camper early instead. We ate some food and some snacks, Linn and I have some wine and Ebbe made a new friend. All in all we all had a great evening. Now I’m sitting outside, writing this in my notebook and once I’m done I’ll go inside the van to sleep. Hopefully the others are asleep already. At least in theory they should be.

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Quite literally reaping what we’ve sowed, making mojitos out of the mint in the herb garden.

posted this note on and tagged it with Tears of the Kingdom Video games Zelda

Yesterday Ebbe and me finished to Wind Temple in Tears of the Kingdom. In my opinion it was a really exciting dungeon, being just hard enough to be a challenge, while not impossible and it made me feel clever in the end.

Also since I really like flying with the glider the boss battle was amazing.

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A recipe for a Tequila Sunrise cocktail

Fill a highball glass with ice and pour tequila and orange juice into it. Careful put the grenadine into the glass without stirring or shaking. The grenadine is ”the sunrise”.

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As I searched the liquor cabinet the other day I realized that I had a surprising amount of tequila, so I decided to make Tequila Sunrise’s. They turned out really well.

A tequila sunrise cocktail
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According to the [Thread’s] own data privacy disclosure, Threads can collect information about a user’s health, finance, contacts, search history, location, and other sensitive information via their digital activity. The app can also forward data to third parties about a user’s sexual orientation, religious and political beliefs, race and ethnicity, body, and employment status.

Why Twitter Rival Threads Isn’t Available in the E.U. (time.com)

This seems like a lot of data to collect for a text-based social network. Perhaps the fact that it’s not available in the EU at the moment is not necessarily a 100% bad thing? I mean, we constantly whine about the power that big corporations have and how blatantly they disregard the rights and privacy of us, their users.