Henrik Carlsson's Blog

All things me.

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Midsummer Night’s Eve, down by the lake

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Last night, enjoying a ”The Godfather” and reading Clear and Present Danger by one of the hotel pools.

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I’ve realized that something. Being in a sunnier, warmer country (tends to be Greece) really ups my tolerance for music that I otherwise find absolutely terrible. Just a few moments ago I actually enjoyed the recent house remix/sample of “I’m blue”. Weird.

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3D printing can be so much fun!

Yesterday I decided that I wanted to mount my Korg SQ-1 to the IKEA SKADIS that I use as my “wall of synths”. (So far a very modest wall.) I had previously found 3D models for the Kort Volcas but I was unable to find one for the sequencer, so I decided to model one. It took me a couple of tries to get it right and there are still some improvements that could be made but it’s good enough to be usable. Win!

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Another photo from yesterday’s Midnight Swim
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The work on the pergola is slow, but yesterday we finally got the frame of it all up which really made it feel a lot more *done* all of a sudden.
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Grillin’ and chillin’

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I finished the privacy screen a few days ago. I’m hoping to get the frame of the pergola together this week.

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Two years ago, almost to the day, I posted a photo of the newly finished private screen for the deck and this year I’m remaking it and I’m finally making some progress.

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I’m glad I’ve kept the snow tires on.