I drove to pick up groceries today and listened more to The Stand and realized that I’d only written about things in the tv series favor yesterday and two things that are much better in the book came to mind.
First, Las Vegas. At least thus far in the book (Chapter 81) it’s far from the depraved sex party of the tv show. The shows depiction of the city of Flagg seems like ”bait” for the modern tv audience who expects som T&A in their shows. It’s more appealing, and frightening, when it’s more similar to Boulder.
Secondly, Larry Underwood. That character remains fairly undeveloped in the show, at least to my recollection. He is a much more interesting character in the novel.
Replies and comments
8 juli, 2021 01:15@MrHenko You too? I don’t have a Apple Watch longer, but I remember this was (to me) a wrong against humanity.
8 juli, 2021 12:09@odd I’m glad to hear that I’m not alone in my frustration. :)