Henrik Carlsson's Blog

All things me.

posted this note on and tagged it with Adaptations The Stand TV shows

I drove to pick up groceries today and listened more to The Stand and realized that I’d only written about things in the tv series favor yesterday and two things that are much better in the book came to mind.

First, Las Vegas. At least thus far in the book (Chapter 81) it’s far from the depraved sex party of the tv show. The shows depiction of the city of Flagg seems like ”bait” for the modern tv audience who expects som T&A in their shows. It’s more appealing, and frightening, when it’s more similar to Boulder.

Secondly, Larry Underwood. That character remains fairly undeveloped in the show, at least to my recollection. He is a much more interesting character in the novel.

posted this note on and tagged it with Apple Watch

I probably get too annoyed and worked up about this problem with the Apple Watch but the fact that the icon for ”Do Not Disturb” doesn’t follow the accent color of the watch face, resulting in this clash of colors is like nails of a chalkboard to me.

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posted this note on and tagged it with Podcasts Reading

For the past month or so I’ve listened to almost no podcasts, instead making my way through audiobook after audiobook, finishing four books I’d started in the past1, starting and finishing one2 and starting and soon finishing one3 and I feel great about it. I’m seriously considering deleting all podcast subscriptions, maybe even the apps as well.

If I listen to a lot of podcasts during a day while doing small chores around the house I often end up with a feeling of not accomplishing anything, wasting my time and my brain power. Doing the same chores but listening to books makes me feel like I’ve done something. Maybe I haven’t done the greatest thing in the world, but I’ve done something I enjoy and want to do more of.

  1. Neal Stephenson’s Seveneves 
  2. Stephen King’s The Stand 

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posted this note on and tagged it with Reading

What do other people use as ”canonical source” for books, movies, and such? By that I mean if you blog about having read a book or watched a movie, what is the site you link to for the book/movie?

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”The car ate road and blew miles out of its tailpipe.”

Such a wonderful line from Stephen King’s The Stand. I think this one will replay in my mind whenever I’m on a long drive next.

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posted this note on and tagged it with Stephen King The Stand

And now I’ve just renewed my Audible subscription and downloaded Stephen King’s The Stand.

posted this note on and tagged it with Neal Stephenson Reading Seveneves

I’m 236 pages (just started Part 2) in to ”Seveneves” by Neal Stephenson and I’m absolutely loving it. This is the kind of nerdy topics, full of even nerdier digressions that I love.

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The Moon blew up without warning and for no apparent reason. It was waxing, only one day short of full. The time was 05:03:12 UTC. Later it would be designated +0.0.0, or simply Zero.

Neal Stephenson, Seveneves

That’s a great opening to a book.

(The lawn needed mowing today, so I bit the bullet and started listening to this one.)

posted this note on and tagged it with Fall; or Dodge in Hell Neal Stephenson Reading

The reading continues. After finishing Life 3.0 I resumed my listening of Neal Stephenson’s Fall; or Dodge in Hell. This one is a wild ride. Such an interesting premise and great start, then kind of slow for while and now (Prim’s journey) it’s great again.

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posted this note on and tagged it with A.I. Life 3.0 Reading

Also I’m currently reading Max Tegmark’s Life 3.0 and I can’t for the life of me decide if I really like it or if it’s really tedious. Perhaps both. The first few chapters where great but as it goes on it really goes on, and on, and on, and on.

Moreover1 it discusses a lot of similar topics, and based on similar sources, as Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell. That is both a good thing and a bad thing. It’s interesting to nod along to things I already knew from Kurzgesagt, while it’s also tedious to be told things I already know from Kurzgesagt.

As you can tell, I’m really mixed on this book so far. Currently I have a little over two hours left on it.

  1. Life 3.0 should be subtitled ”Moreover, the Book”, alternatively it should be accompanied by a drinking game in which you take a shot for every ”moreover” in the book. You’ll be braindead within a chapter. 

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