Henrik Carlsson's Blog

All things me.

posted this on and tagged it with Another Crabs Treasure Video games

I just started playing my very first ”souls-like” video game and just a minute ago I defeated my first boss in a souls-like. Hooray for me!

The souls-like in question is Another Crabs Treasure on the Switch. I saw the game on one of Second Winds’ streams the other week and I found it to be adorable. As has probably been established before, I game very infrequently but I’m not completely deaf and blind to what goes on in gaming so obviously I had heard about souls-likes but I’d never tried one. I’m also not a very skilled gamer so something being very hard doesn’t seem that enticing to me but again, Another Crabs Treasure just looked adorable. I also figured it would probably be a game that would be available on Switch.

A week or so ago I did check and it was indeed available on the Switch, and to a reasonable price, so I mentally placed in on my ”let’s play these games sometime” list and tonight I ended up feeling like playing some video games so I decided to give it a try.

First impression is that it is indeed adorable. The story seems interesting and I like the main character. The thing I like less is that it seems poorly optimized. Sure, the Switch isn’t a powerhouse but it does handle games that at least appear to be more complex than this one. ”Crabs’ suffer from drops in frame rate quite often which is particularly annoying in an intense battle. A quick google search told the than unfortunately this seems to be a thing. Lots of players seems unhappy with the Switch version of this game.

I don’t have any other system for gaming so I’ll just have to grit my teeth and make do with what I have.

In the end I played up to the first boss tonight and he completely wiped the floor with me, even though I play on the slightly easier setting. The good news is that it didn’t make me want to throw the controller away and do something else. Instead it made me bite down hard, swear a lot, empty my drink and try again and again and again and again and again. After what must have been at least 15 tries I did get the hang of it and I manage to kill the boss so now I am in some weird catharsis state. Part of me wants to keep going but parts of me wants to go to bed while I’m ahead.

posted this note on and tagged it with Tears of the Kingdom Video games Zelda

Yesterday Ebbe and me finished to Wind Temple in Tears of the Kingdom. In my opinion it was a really exciting dungeon, being just hard enough to be a challenge, while not impossible and it made me feel clever in the end.

Also since I really like flying with the glider the boss battle was amazing.

posted this reply on and tagged it with SNES TV-spel Video games
Replied to https://www.instagram.com/p/BliODrWlq7R/ (instagram.com)

Par i Pixlar frågade på Instagram vilket Super Nintendo-spel som var lyssnarnas favorit och jag tänkte att mitt svar även kan arkiveras här på bloggen.

Väldigt svårt val eftersom det finns så många fantastiska spel till SNES. Super Mario World var och är ett jättekul spel och A Link to the Past står sig fortfarande som ett av de bästa Zelda-spelen. Det är nog inget spel som jag har lagt ner så många timmar i som Super Empire Strikes Back. Vansinnigt svårt, en bra adaption av filmen och snygg användning av pseudo-3d-läget ”Mode 7” i SNESen.

Men jag tror att min favorit måste vara Donkey Kong Country, eftersom det var och är så fruktansvärt kul att spela, alldeles lagom svårt och för att det verkligen visade upp vad SNESen kunde i form av grafik och ljud. Varje gång jag genom åren kopplat in SNESen igen och spelat Donkey Kong Country så har jag blivit förvånad och imponerad över hur snyggt det är. Jag tycker inte att något annat spel (möjligen undantaget uppföljarna) lyckades vara så snyggt på SNES.

Nintendo – Putting Play First | Game Maker’s Toolkit – YouTube

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Mark Brown’s video series ”Gamemaker’s Toolkit” is very interesting to watch. In the episode Nintendo – Putting Play First I think he manages to explain to me why the games I play almost exclusively are first-party Nintendo games.

You should check it out!

Mario Kart 7

posted this on and tagged it with Mario Kart Mario Kart 7 Nintendo 3DS Video games

I’ve been playing Mario Kart 7 for 3DS lately. I’ve loved Mario Kart games since I first played it on the N64 a lot of years ago.

The 3DS game has been a lot of fun this far and today I finished first in all the cups of the the ”100 CC” difficulty. I’ve also played online for bit and found it to be entertaining. (It’s actually the first Mario Kart that I play online. I do own it on the Wii but I haven’t bothered connecting the Wii to the internet.)