Henrik Carlsson's Blog

All things me.

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One final quick thought before heading to bed: I love having this blog! It doesn’t matter if I write frequently or not, it’s always there when I need it and when I do I usually read a bit in the past as well and get delighted about the things that I’ve written down.

Also, the 2020 iPad Pro is quite a nice portable blogging machine. I don’t want to bring my laptop on vacation since it will inevitably lead to me working, so the options were either the 2020 iPad Pro or the 2019(?) iPad Mini, or no tablet at all. I’ve traveled with the mini before and really liked it but I wanted the bigger screen this time around and the onscreen keyboard has worked surprisingly well for writing. I’d probably get crazy if I tried to use it frequently as more of a work machine without an external keyboard but as a vacation device it’s nice to have.

Also, also, Drafts combined with a couple of WordPress related Shortcuts makes for a great blogging workflow.

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posted this on and tagged it with Greece 2024

We had another great day in Greece today. I spent a large chunk of it by the pool reading Clear and Present Danger. Sitting with my legs in the water, Kindle in hand is probably my favorite way to read.

Now the wind has picked up speed and I’m sitting outside on the patio(?) by our room. I don’t really want to go to sleep but my entire family is sleeping and I’m starting to get really cold so I better get inside. And if I go inside, I can’t stay up playing around with my iPad. I also can’t read on the Kindle since that’ll require a light and we all share a single room. Maybe I’ll read a few pages in bed on my phone. Or maybe I should just call it a night.