Henrik Carlsson's Blog

All things me.

posted this note on and tagged it with Eurorack Playing music for fun

Oh that’s right, I also created an account at Modular Grid tonight. I think I’m actually going to start my journey down the rabbit hole of modular synths soon-ish.

posted this note on and tagged it with Event Horizon / Black Hole Playing music for fun

There are so many things that I feel like getting back into. Blogging is one of those. Lately I’ve been meaning to start writing again but because it’s been so long since I did, I feel like my ”come back post” should be this grand thing, so it never happens. So here it is, I guess.

Another thing I really want to get back into is playing music. Playing more or less in the same meaning of the word as playing games, children playing, etc. It doesn’t have to result in a lot of great music written, recorded, mixed and released. However it should result in me feeling like I’ve spent time on a hobby.

My goal is to spend at least an hour, at least three nights a week on playing music in one way or another. Initially I try to document it here to see if that helps things along. If it doesn’t I might stop documenting.

Anyway, tonight I’ve been playing with my Volca Modular and DSI MoPho, working on some sounds for an actual song. It’s a song that I wrote a long time ago now called ”Event Horizon / Black Hole” that I’ve used for work quite a few times but that I never quite got around to properly record for my own sake. I think I might give that a try now, so today was a sound design day.

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An episode of Stranger Things has no business being an hour and forty minutes long. Season four would probably be twice as good if the episodes where half as long.

posted this article on and tagged it with Drinks and cocktails snapshots

Happy National Martini Day! 🍸

posted this on and tagged it with The Dark Tower

”Your man Jesus seems to me a bit of a son of a bitch when it comes to women,” Roland said.

posted this on and tagged it with It Reading Stephen King

Okay, the end part of The Ritual of Chud chapter in ”IT” was weird. It’s got to have been weird in the mid eighties as well, right?

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I will finish IT within a few hours, and I’m four books deep into The Dark Tower. Where do I go next, The Shining or The Wolves of Calla?

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3D printing can be so much fun!

Yesterday I decided that I wanted to mount my Korg SQ-1 to the IKEA SKADIS that I use as my “wall of synths”. (So far a very modest wall.) I had previously found 3D models for the Kort Volcas but I was unable to find one for the sequencer, so I decided to model one. It took me a couple of tries to get it right and there are still some improvements that could be made but it’s good enough to be usable. Win!

posted this note on and tagged it with Carport Huset

Årets stora hemmafixprojekt är att vi tänkt bygga en carport för våra två bilar så just nu sitter jag och läser på om bygglov och sånt. Det här är sånt jag tycker är jättesvårt.

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Coronaförnekare på lista – regionrådet: ”Oj” — FaluKuriren

Dalarnas sjukvårdsparti släpper alltså in personer på sin regionslista utan att ens googla personen för att se vad hen står och argumenterar för. Det är så beklämmande slappt.