of Liz reacting to Dan telling how Chip and Dale in the Rescue Rangers are modeled after Indiana Jones and Magnus PI respectively should be on The Incomparable best of 2020.
of Liz reacting to Dan telling how Chip and Dale in the Rescue Rangers are modeled after Indiana Jones and Magnus PI respectively should be on The Incomparable best of 2020.
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It’s interesting that Grey puts such an emphasis on the importance of intentionality when such a thing would require some amount of free will, which he has previously stated that he’s not a believer in.
If your actions aren’t actions but rather the inevitable consequences of what came before then there is no intentionality in anything, ever.
I have the same experience. A few of my students speak up in the large group but it’s pretty much the same students that used to talk the most in lectures on campus as well.
In smaller groups it works much better. The breakout rooms of Zoom is a nice tool for that.
The chat is a different beast. There they tend to be quite chatty. Lot’s of good questions, and sometimes answers to each others questions, and also quite a lot of internet humour, text based memes, etc. In one lecture I had to tell them to back off on the silliness in the chat so valuable questions and/or answers didn’t disappear in the flood of jokes.
I gotta say, for me and my students the move online works really well. A lot better than I had thought if somebody has asked me three months ago.
And you are probably right about the difficulties for students that don’t know each other. My students have all had 30 weeks of campus studies together so they are quite a tight group already.
Nice to hear
. Also, thanks for mentioning me. :)I’ve subscribed to you microcast RSS feed and am looking forward to more episodes. I haven’t listened to the one about the open web and academia yet but I assume that it’ll be interesting to me, since I’m also in the academics.
Par i Pixlar frågade på Instagram vilket Super Nintendo-spel som var lyssnarnas favorit och jag tänkte att mitt svar även kan arkiveras här på bloggen.
Väldigt svårt val eftersom det finns så många fantastiska spel till SNES. Super Mario World var och är ett jättekul spel och A Link to the Past står sig fortfarande som ett av de bästa Zelda-spelen. Det är nog inget spel som jag har lagt ner så många timmar i som Super Empire Strikes Back. Vansinnigt svårt, en bra adaption av filmen och snygg användning av pseudo-3d-läget ”Mode 7” i SNESen.
Men jag tror att min favorit måste vara Donkey Kong Country, eftersom det var och är så fruktansvärt kul att spela, alldeles lagom svårt och för att det verkligen visade upp vad SNESen kunde i form av grafik och ljud. Varje gång jag genom åren kopplat in SNESen igen och spelat Donkey Kong Country så har jag blivit förvånad och imponerad över hur snyggt det är. Jag tycker inte att något annat spel (möjligen undantaget uppföljarna) lyckades vara så snyggt på SNES.
I’m up for Super Mario World anytime!
(This is mostly a test to see if I’ve gotten WebMentions to work on my site.)
Replies and comments
23 april, 2020 20:00@MrHenko personally I think that biggest problem is to get a conversation going in a large group. It’s difficult to get them talking (they very much prefer chatting)