Finally, I have the first proper beta of the πiFi Music Player working. The enclosure is 3D printed and fits nicely and the software works more or less. Tomorrow I’ll ”release it to the public” (aka the kids) and see what happens.

Finally, I have the first proper beta of the πiFi Music Player working. The enclosure is 3D printed and fits nicely and the software works more or less. Tomorrow I’ll ”release it to the public” (aka the kids) and see what happens.
This large wall hook 3D model is really useful and has helped me clean up the power chords on the side of the house where we park the cars.
On a much more fun note, the 3D printer is turning out to be a great purchase. I currently feel that every problem, expect maybe Covid, can be solved by the correct 3D model and the right amount of print time. :)
Also, Fusion360 runs great on the M1 MacBook Air.
Covid update day three,
Linn keeps feeling quite well. Iris keeps coughing and sneezing and I feel worse today than yesterday. Sore throat, lot’s of snot and generally tired. Still not too bad, though.
@MrHenko Hope you all get well soon. With no lingering effects.
@MrHenko Best wishes, hoping all of you feel better soon.
@furstenberg Thanks Michael! It’s probably too soon to say, but thus far it seems like it will be manageble.
@maique Thank you Maique! :)
I took a covid-test (far from my first) the other day and got a negative result yesterday. Linn got her result today and it was unfortunately positive. So Happy Easter I guess…
(We all feel quite fine at the moment.)
@MrHenko I hope it is not serious.
@MrHenko Hope you’ll all have a nice Easter despite the diagnose, and that the symptoms will be mild. 🐣🌱
@jeremycherfas Thanks Jeremy. Linn’s cooking risotto and drinking wine so thus far the symptoms are quite mild. :)
I felt fine up until she read her test results. At that point hypochondria kicked in and I’ve had a teeny tiny ache in my throat during the day but it’s probably psychosomatic.
@odd Thank you Odd, so far the symptoms are mild and we are having a good day. Fortunately we have a well stocked fridge, a big house and a nice garden so as long as we don’t get very ill we’ll be fine.
A while back I wrote about what new Mac laptop to get as my main work machine. Writing that text really helped because later that same day I came to a decision and ordered the M1 MacBook Air. It should arrive in a few weeks so I hope my beat up 15″ Pro keeps it together until then.
The second attempt at 3D printing a base plate for the πFi went much better but there’s still plenty of room for improvements. Currently I’m testing out sizes for the QR cards and how those sizes effects the necessary distance between the cards and the camera, which in turn effects how large the whole device will need to be. Currently I’m leaning toward a 7,0×8,5 cm large card with a 5,5×5,5 cm QR code centered on the card and this means that the full enclosure doesn’t need to be any bigger in the base than the Pi itself is.
If stand for the QR cards are on top of the USB och Ethernet ports with just a couple of mm of plastic between them, the camera sensor need to be about 55 mm above the surface of the Pi.
If I connect a display to the Pi I can use raspivid
to display the output of the camera on that display. The display needs to be connected to the Pi but the command itself can be run either locally on the Pi or remotely via SSH.
For example: raspivid -o video.h264 -t 180000 -w 640 -h 480
will display an image for three minutes, showing the same that the QR Reader script will see.
Turns out there where multiple problems with yesterdays attempt at a base plate for the πFi.1 I had the measurements for the QR cards completely wrong, so even if the Pi had fit it wouldn’t have worked.
This morning I drew up a quick 2D sketch in OmniGraffle and then I worked from that one to get the 3D version in Fusion. Hopefully this one will work better. The printer says about six hours to print.
I’m changing things up for the πiFi Music Player.
The way I intended to make the πiFi I would need to do most, if not all of these and it just makes it too large of a project. So I’ve scaled it back. At it’s core it is still going to work the same way but instead of having a built in power amp and connecting it to custom built passive speakers I’m going to make a device that gives line level audio out and connect it to a pair of powered speakers that Iris already have but rarely use.
At first I decided to do this using a Raspberry Pi Zero and a JustBook DAC Zero and that was what I sat down to work on tonight. Unfortunately I realised that the Pi Camera Module needs a different cable to be compatible with the Zero and none of my usual suppliers for these kinds of things have that cable in stock. As I was thinking about whether to keep working on other parts of it hit me, why not use the Pi 3 that I used before but without the power amplifier hat? It has a line out built in and works with the camera cable that I have?
So tonight I’ve been working on the first iteration of a simple 3D printed base plate to mount the Pi on, with place to stick the QR codes on in front of it and a mount for the camera. So far the camera mount isn’t finished but I do have a prototype sketch that should work for mounting the Pi and the QR codes. I’ll try to get it printed tomorrow.
This photo was taken six years ago, almost to the minute, right after we came home with our daughter for the first time.
Happy birthday Iris!
Replies and comments
Aaron Parecki
4 april, 2021 20:33Agreed! I’ve been having a lot of fun designing and printing things!
5 april, 2021 00:49@MrHenko I’ve always wanted one but have yet to pull the trigger. I need a project where it is a “must have”, I think, to push me past the edge.