Henrik Carlsson's Blog

All things me.

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Zero History by William Gibson
Henrik Carlsson
is on page 11 of 544 of <a href="/book/show/13542830-zero-history">Zero History</a>.

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Zero History by William Gibson
Henrik is currently reading Zero History
William Gibson

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Inspired by the last few episodes of Cortex I’ve started time-tracking using Toggl.

Most of the time I feel a slight guilt both toward my family and my employer. I feel like I work to much, but I also feel like I don’t work enough. So the idea is the get some kind of data that points toward either, or hopefully neither, of those. So right now I’m tracking the time I am at work or in my home office working, and the time that I commute.

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Revolvermannen by Stephen King
Henrik Carlsson
is 20% done with <a href="/book/show/11318933-revolvermannen">Revolvermannen</a>.

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♫ Moving on to Neil YoungHarvest Moon.

(Yes, I’m probably going to publish quite a few of these today. I think ”procrastination” is the word you
’re looking for.)

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♫ I’m currently listening to Garbage’s album Version 2.0. This is the soundtrack to my angsty teenage years. I love it!

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Happy and cool in his big sisters old clothes!

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Preparing the console and a multitrack for my live sound lecture on Monday. Very impressed by the Yamaha QL1 console.

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Death by Neil Gaiman
Henrik Carlsson
is on page 147 of 320 of <a href="/book/show/13532194-death">Death</a>.

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Death by Neil Gaiman
Henrik Carlsson
is on page 147 of 320 of <a href="/book/show/13532194-death">Death</a>.