Henrik Carlsson's Blog

All things me.

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Really weird spring weather in Sweden.

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I never got around to finish watching the second season of Westworld and I’ve been meaning to do so for quite some time now. Today Linn and I decided to give season two a go together, since she’s watched the first season but didn’t join me for the second one on my first attempt. So today we said we’d start with the final episode of season one and then go for season two.

However, as Linn fell asleep on the couch and as I tried to remember as much as I could about the first season I decided to instead go all the way back to the first episode. So I’ve just finished rewatching the very first episode of Westworld and oh my it’s a good show. So cleverly plotted!

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Also, this Alfred workflow seems to be the perfect interface for me to work with Toggl on the Mac.

(Thanks Cortex subreddit user VanillaChief for the tip.)

I’m back using Alfred

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I don’t know exactly when it happened, but it was probably some time when I re-installed a computer or set up a new one that I decided to not install Alfred and instead try to get by using just Spotlight.

As far as I could tell it wasn’t a big downgrade, and it saved me one step in setting up a new computer. A few days ago though, I decided to try Alfred again and OH MY GOD.

While going from Alfred to Spotlight didn’t feel like a big downgrade, going from Spotlight to Alfred seems like one of the biggest upgrades ever.

So Alfred, I’m back. Sorry I ever left!

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Tonight I’ve defeated Ganon in Breath of the Wild.

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I’m carefully dipping my toes into Volumio.

Still some settings to tweak, but it looks promising.

Spider-Man: Homecoming

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🎞 Watched: Spider-Man: Homecoming

This was exactly the kind of movie that I needed to watch right now. Light-hearted and very entertaining. I’d probably say it’s my favourite MCU movie so far. I loved the acting, the way Peter was characterised, the way the classical characters where changed and modernised. I loved the whole thing. Also, the sort-of twist with the identity of The Vulture took me completely by surprise.

My only complaint is that the action scenes themselves where sometimes hard to follow. It seemed like the director was inexperienced when it came to directing action.

I was surprised by the music, which seemed a step up from a lot of other MCU movies.

On a side-note, after the first scenes where we see the lead up to the fight between the heroes in the airport in Civil War, I had to paus this movie and go watch that fight once again. That’s quite amazing considering the fact that before I started watching the MCU movies from start to finish, in sort-of correct story order, that was the scene that I dreaded the most. I was absolutely certain that a scene where our heroes beat the crap out of each other would be just ridiculous in the Batman v Superman kind of way. I was very wrong.

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🎞 Watched: Guardians of the Galaxy

My watching of this one was stretched over way to long time. It was only two sittings but almost two months apart. Why? Well, life got in the way in the most mundane ways.

Anyway, I liked this one. I don’t necessarily think it’s as great as some people seem to think it is but I like it. No, it’s not ”The Star Wars of this generation”.

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🎧 Listened to: Episode 12: Indianapolis and Love at First Sight | The Anthropocene Reviewed | WNYC Studios

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I really want to like Media Composer, but Media Composer sure as hell doesn’t like me.