July the 6th, 5:50 pm
I’m sitting under a roofed section of the deck. The clouds rolling in are so dark blue as to almost come off as black. The power cuts out and all those noises of modern life, the ones we are so used to that we don’t even hear them anymore, disappears.
I don’t see any lightning, maybe it’s too bright still, but I hear the roar of thunder. I love a good summer thunder storm.
5:53 pm
The rain starts pouring and I see a flash. It hits the ground within a hundred meters or so. The sky is no longer dark but bright white from the rain.
Yet another lightning strikes and I count in my head. One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three… I get to six Missisippies before the thunder roars. As it dies down, so does the intensity of the rain.
6:07 pm
The power returns. The brief respite from modern hi tech life ends.
Replies and comments
26 juli, 2024 13:20@MrHenko If you’ve got them on your computer (Mac or PC) you can simply copy them out of the file system like any files. If you haven’t already got them on the computer, you should be able to download them into Apple Music (Mac) or iTunes (PC) from the iTunes Store. Just follow the “Purchased” link in the store.
26 juli, 2024 14:20@artkavanagh Thanks for a quick and correct reply 👍🏻!
I was trying before that but I ended up with .movpkg-files on my hard drive. When I read your reply I realized that I was on the right track (pun not intended) but that some kind of setting or other was wrong. It turned out to be that I had set downloads to be lossless. Changing to 256 AAC solved the problem.
27 juli, 2024 09:43@MrHenko Are they not AAC already? That’s typically the default format for iTunes, is it not? You can right click the track to reveal their location in your finder/file explorer (I don’t know if you’re on Mac or Windows).
27 juli, 2024 12:04@MrHenko Ah, yes, lossless. I hadn’t thought of that. I’ve never bothered with lossless: even when my ears were a lot sharper than they are now, I genuinely couldn’t tell the difference.
29 juli, 2024 00:20@MrHenko I’ve never found a way to export the tracks on my iPhone. I can download then, but the stay firmly trapped in the Apple Music app as far as I can tell. Given that I’ve bought them I’d also like to listen to them in the way I choose. Like I can with Bandcamp
29 juli, 2024 00:40@MrHenko Ah, I recall now being able to find and move them on an old Windows PC. @artkavanagh Is right. That’s how I did it. I take it all back about my rude thoughts about Apple. 😏