Henrik Carlsson's Blog

All things me.

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🔖 Bookmarked H.I. #60: The Beautiful Game — Hello Internet

Greatest. Statement. Ever.

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↪️ Reply to: Accidental Tech Podcast: 332: Fuzzy Muppet Felt

I am so glad that I’m not as picky about monitors as John and Marco. In my world there are tons of good external displays that cost almost nothing.

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↪️ Reply to: The Incomparable | Bane on a Plane (Episode 466)

It’s so interesting, the panel here thought that it was pretty well hinted at who was the actual villain of this movie, whereas I thought it came completely out of the left field. The scene mentioned here, by contrast, I thought brought me out of the movie because it was so obvious that this was how the movie was going to end.

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Fimpa rökförbudet | Ledarredaktionen on acast

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🎧 Listened to: Fimpa rökförbudet | Ledarredaktionen on acast

Bra diskussion om det vettlösa nya rökförbudet. Jag har aldrig rökt och vill aldrig göra det men förstår inte varför vi ska låta politiker och särintressen uppfostra oss. Låt vuxna människor själva fatta beslut om saker!

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↪️ Reply to: @smokey

Thanks! That means that if the Rube Goldberg Machine that is my Shortcuts for posting from iOS works, this should show up as a reply to your reply to me.

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Hillbilly Elegy

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📖 Read Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis by J.D. Vance

I’ve been wanting to read this one since I first heard about it around the time it was published, so I was glad to see that I could listen to it in ”BookBeat”, the audiobooks subscription service I’m currently using.

The book was very interesting and easy to listen to. I knew very little, if anything, about hillbilly culture before listening to this book. I also feel like I know pretty much nothing about the white American working class coming from the horses mouth, only from people on the right or left not coming from the group in question.

Though I’m not a conservative, the part about how the hillbillies problems go deeper than what social policies can change and that part of the responsibility for the problems, and thereby the solution, lie with the people themselves spoke to me. It seems like Vance is the old school type of conservative or republican, the kind that was more prevalent before the party was hijacked by a buffoon and those power-hungry enough to sell out every single principle they have as long as they feel like they can use the buffoon in question for their own personal gain. The kind that I respect.

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@verso Are there any more episodes of your Westworld podcast, after the reactions to S2E10? The feed appears to not have anything newer that that episode.
I finished season two of Westworld yesterday and I desperately need you and Don to help me through this!

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I had totally forgotten that not only is Pokémon Go really fun, it’s also incredibly addictive.

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Preparing the headsets for our VR exhibition.