Henrik Carlsson's Blog

All things me.

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18th of July

Linn, the kids and I are currently out with my dad’s camper van. This is the first night this time and we are at ”Furuvik”, an amusement park that we really like.

Last year we did the same thing and back then it took a while before it became a nice experience. The first night, and even more so the morning after the first night, it was really not a nice experience. All of us were in a bad mood and everybody where angry with each other. This year it seems much better.

We took quite a short trip in the park today and headed back too the camper early instead. We ate some food and some snacks, Linn and I have some wine and Ebbe made a new friend. All in all we all had a great evening. Now I’m sitting outside, writing this in my notebook and once I’m done I’ll go inside the van to sleep. Hopefully the others are asleep already. At least in theory they should be.

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This photo was taken six years ago, almost to the minute, right after we came home with our daughter for the first time.

Happy birthday Iris!

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@Gaby Nice!

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@jeremycherfas Thanks, Jeremy. 😊

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Låt inte en krass verklighet få ta över fiktionens värld – Dalarnas Tidningar

Jag håller helt med.

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Apparently I broke webmentions when I created my new blog theme. By breaking them I mean they are sent anonymously.

I do remember solving this ones for my old theme but I don’t remember what the root cause and solution was. 😞

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↪️ Reply to: Core Intuition » Episode 427: Probably A Mistake

So maaaaaybe hesitant the Apple Book, or simply Apple Laptop? It would fit with names like Apple Watch, Apple Music, Apple Pencil and so on.

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Spontanköpte en bok idag.

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🔖 Bookmarked Episode 23: Rose’s DEVONthink Setup

There’s some really interesting stuff in here regarding how Rose’s using DEVONthink for her master studies that I could probably adapt into my workflow as a teacher. And if I ever where to resume my own master studies I’d definitely need to re-listen to this.

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Scroll-jacking is great! I just love it when a website exhibits weird behavior and gets sluggish when I scroll. Even better when it completely breaks the site on a small screen like my phone.

– no website visitor, ever.