At Mall of Scandinavia.
Today we spent some time there after a hotel breakfast and then we headed back home to Sundborn. Overall the trip to Stockholm was nice. Everybody had a good time and it feels good to be back home now.
At Mall of Scandinavia.
Today we spent some time there after a hotel breakfast and then we headed back home to Sundborn. Overall the trip to Stockholm was nice. Everybody had a good time and it feels good to be back home now.
Today the whole family is in Stockholm. Linn and Iris went to Disney on Ice while Ebbe and me walked around the Globe area before heading for our hotel.
Right now we’re strolling around in Mall of Scandinavia.
Quality Hotel Friends
169 79 Solna
This is my office at work. I share it with a colleague but most of the time he’s not there so I get to have it for myself.
Today I spent quite a bit of the work day here. Many small things that needed to be done. Also we tried out some surround sound things for the tv studio which was fun and successful.
First work day of the year. Today was the first proper studio session of the education for a few of the first year students. We/they recorded a kind of Nine Inch Nails sounding thing that I wrote some years ago.
New Year’s Day is Pizza Day in Sweden. It is the day where pizza sales are the highest of the year. This year we made our own.
Happy New Years!
Season 3 of Jessica Jones is really improved when combined with a healthy helping of bourbon.
So I guess this is the single most important piece of tech I own right now. It’s a good thing that it fits in the guitar pick pocket on my jeans.
A silly amount of computing devices.
@MrHenko A few weeks back I was with my family down the shore. There were stacks of MacBooks. 🙃
@MrHenko Do you have a favourite?
@Bruce But that was multiple people’s devices, right? This was just my stuff, trying to get some work done. :)
@martinfeld Generally answer to that would be the MacBook Pro. It enables me to do 100% of my work and everything else that I might ever want to do on a computer.
However, I’m right now reconsidering the technology I’m using to get work done. I’m drafting a longer blog post about this but haven’t quite gotten around to finish it yet. The short version is that I’m right now testing out the iPad Mini, and that’s the reason for the insane pile of technology yesterday as I was trying to get it setup just right. My hope is to have a setup where I can do 80% of the work on the iPad Mini but still do most of it on the MacBook Pro. The benefit I’m hoping to get out of it is to be able to grab the iPad at a moments notice and go for a walk or just sit down at a different place when I feel the procrastination coming. It’ll also help a lot on the days when I’m staying at home with one or more sick kids and need to get some lighter work done in a more portable setting.
@MrHenko Great answer! I’ve always been a Mac fan but I also enjoy the ability to just pick up the iPad and start doing something away from a desk. I look forward to your longer blog post!
Okay, let’s give this a try then!
oo this looks like a fun project
Right now is my favorite time of the year.
The kids are asleep after a long day of playing in the sun and I’m sitting on the deck, programming and blogging.
Replies and comments
15 oktober, 2019 06:37@MrHenko heh, nice! No bourbon here but I’m tempted to try the same with a port :)
15 oktober, 2019 09:06@MrHenko great combo
17 oktober, 2019 15:20@MrHenko I believe most all things are improved with bourbon
20 oktober, 2019 17:25@MrHenko I suppose it depends on what character’s point of view you take for that last season. I love Margo’s sassy sharpness and Elliot’s cheekiness. They were a lot of fun so I was happy. S4 was a bit weird. I’m just grateful the concept exists at all. Super duper creativity. Enjoy that bourbon.
20 oktober, 2019 22:19@MrHenko possibly! 😉 It’s fortified wine, a bit syrupy and sweet. A small glass is enough for me, but there’s something quite pleasant about one on a cold winter’s eve.
20 oktober, 2019 23:37@MrHenko I’ve zoned out actually. I’m having a conversation about The Magicians too and thought it was with you 🤣 A fab series to check out too. Hmmm the last JJ got quite random didn’t it? Far out and weird. I liked the second series best. The first, I skipped a lot of episodes because I didn’t like the concept and David Tennant was too much of a nasty baddy for me. I just love JJ’s bad ass character.
23 oktober, 2019 16:03@MrHenko ha. I got way too sensitive about that series 🙃 you’d probably like The Boys as well. That was also too much for a fairy like me.