Henrik Carlsson's Blog

All things me.

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Widescreen, pan and scan, and the slow rise of letterboxing


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Beginner’s guide: How to play Pokémon Go!


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’Pokémon Go’ international rollout will be ’paused’ as players overload the system


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Den svenska lanseringen av Pokémon Go kommer att dröja


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The #LibertyDonut


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Apple open sources Swift Playground Support


? Manton Reece: Time to rethink blog comments

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  • Twitter’s 140-character limit and easy retweeting encourage and amplify negative tweets. Sincerity is less common. Everything is an opportunity for a joke.
  • Widely followed, long-time Twitter users don’t find the joy they used to when interacting with followers. Some have retreated to private Slack channels, at the cost of public discussion and approachability.
  • Developers have never completely forgiven Twitter for crippling the API. This doesn’t directly impact most users anymore, but it’s a backdrop that gives every new Twitter feature a tone of distrust. Progress is slow.

Meanwhile, blog comments have slowly been killed off over that same period. The rise of social networks, combined with the technical problems of fighting blog comment spam, pushed most bloggers to prefer answering questions on Twitter.

Manton Reece, Time to rethink blog comments

? Turbolinks makes navigating your web application faster

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Turbolinks seems to be a reasonable way to implement a more ”app like” feel to websites without falling into the trap of endless JavaScript dependencies and page bloat.

Turbolinks makes navigating your web application faster. Get the performance benefits of a single-page application without the added complexity of a client-side JavaScript framework. Use HTML to render your views on the server side and link to pages as usual. When you follow a link, Turbolinks automatically fetches the page, swaps in its , and merges its , all without incurring the cost of a full page load.

? DN Debatt. ”Moderaternas utveckling gör alliansen ohållbar”

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Alliansen i sin nuvarande form har nått vägs ände. Moderaternas kraftiga vändning åt det konservativa hållet riskerar att lämna svensk politik utan liberala alternativ. Blockpolitiken leder till en begränsning av den politiska debatten. Det är en utveckling som behöver brytas. Därför bör allianspartierna gå till val med enskilda valmanifest 2018.

Henrik Edin, förbundsordförande Liberala ungdomsförbundet, Moderaternas utveckling gör alliansen ohållbar, DN Debatt

Jag håller med helt och fullt. Liberalismen lyser verkligen med sin frånvaro inom svensk politik nu. Att luckra upp Alliansen skulle kunna leda till intressanta samarbeten mellan (de ibland få) liberalerna inom ”Liberalerna”, Centerpartiet och Miljöpartiet.

Jag är glad att Centern, som jag röstade på i senaste valet, enhälligt röstade emot de nya asylreglerna men om de vill ha min röst i kommande val så kan de inte sitta så hårt ihop med de nya, brunblå Moderaterna.

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“In the future, the slogan for the leading news org will be something like this: ’Where news makers gather to make news.’”
