Henrik Carlsson's Blog

All things me.

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Thank you for your reply, Daniel. I’m glad you commented on my description of the environment and situation I was in.

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Thank you for your reply, Chris. I’m glad you liked the idea and I agree on how powerful it would be if feed readers picked up the conversations. That kind of integration of post and replies is one of the benefits that the silos has today.

Let me know if you do take the time and make your own microcast.

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Tänk om det var Obama som var POTUS och det var hans twitterkonto som stängts av av en anställd. De som hejar nu hade nog inte gjort det då.

Microcast: A question about audio quality of microcasts

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Download and listen to Microcast: A question about audio quality of microcasts

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Slight update to my Blu-ray workflow

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My current workflow for ripping blu-rays into an iTunes-friendly format

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This post is just for my own sake. I’ll probably write this up better once I’ve reached a final conclusion.

The workflow is as follows:

It’s not perfect and it needs some tweaking. Right now I’m contemplating whether to use detect crop or from Melton’s utilities.

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Jag tyckte att Majora’s Mask var dystert och bitvis läskigt men Twilight Princess tar definitivt dystert och läskigt till en helt ny nivå.

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Jag har varit så förtjust i min telecaster på senare år så att jag lätt glömmer bort hur grym stratan är. Nu plockade jag ner den från väggen och plinkade lite och det kändes väldigt naturligt att spela på den. Vi passar bra ihop, jag och stratan.

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Nån som kör iOS 10 på en iPhone 5s? Blev den väldigt trött och/eller fick sämre batteri av det?

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Do you know of a good way to rip Blu-rays with subtitles intact?

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I’m trying to rip the video (and audio) from Blu-rays1 into an iTunes and AppleTV friendly format, while preserving subtitles and, this is key, not burning them in. I’ll write a detailed post on my needs, findings and workflow soon but right now I just want to throw the ball out to you.

I’m currently using a mixture of MakeMKV, Don Melton’s video transcode scripts, Subler and iDentify 2. The workflow I’m currently using requires me to add external .srt-files for subtitles, since I don’t want to burn them into the video.

Do you, dear reader, have any experience with this? Any suggestions for me? Please get in touch! (E-mail: henrik [@] henrikcarlsson [dot] se, @synvila on twitter or just send a webmention to this post.)

  1. Off course I’m only talking about Blu-ray discs that I’ve gotten written consent from all the rights-holders to do this. 

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