Henrik Carlsson's Blog

All things me.

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@macgenie This is probably a stupid question because I’m a total newbie on those kinds of appliances, but what makes cooking a soup in an InstantPot different to doing it in a regular pot on a stove?

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@burk I wholeheartedly agree on the Outlook ratings. We use Office365 at work and I stay as far away from Outlook as I can on the Mac (I use Apple Mail and the artist formerly known as iCal instead) whereas once I tried Outlook on iOS, I got hooked on it. Both on the iPhone and the iPad.

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@macgenie Same here, but also with the sense of annoyance over all these people – not just Billy – who want to be ”the next Steve Jobs” or who want to make their company ”the Über of [insert whatever]”. So annoyance over start-up culture in general, I guess.

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@furstenberg You are kind of selling me on the director’s comments. So far I don’t think I’ve ever watched a movie with the director’s commentary track, but maybe this will be the first. Thanks!

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@odd You are right, off course. The problem is that I find the ignore part hard to do.

And that’s probably why I feel especially negative toward the idiots on ”the left”, rather than on ”the right”. The stupidities of ”the right” is fairly simple to ignore. Just don’t read their fringe publications. Ignoring stupidities from ”the left” on the other hand would require me to ignore so much mainstream press.

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@hjertnes Are you serious about that, that you think that everybody who listens to country music is racists?

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@furstenberg The Last Jedi will probably grow on me to once I rewatch it. The problem for me is that it got caught up in the stuped ”culture war” that we seem to be fighting on the internet every single day.

Was it that the commentary helped in expressing his intentions with the movie, or where they just fun/interesting comments?

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@adamprocter Probably, but it still worth it to have those days where you feel like you’re hitting it out of the park.

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@adamprocter Good work! Those kind of days are so rare and so great, as opposed to those where you feel like you have at least ten things more on your todo list that should have been done that day.

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@ronguest Thanks Ron, that’s very kind of you.