Henrik Carlsson's Blog

All things me.

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🎧 Listened to: Episode 21 – Banning Mobile Phones in School – Fragmentum

This is some interesting food for thought for me, because I do think that banning phones in the classroom of kids can be a totally reasonable thing to do.

Thanks for your perspective Adam!

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🎧 Listened to: Micro Monday – Micro Monday Extra: Late Night In The Airstream with @aaronpk at XOXO

Aaron brings up some interesting points and I wholeheartedly agree with him that the most important thing about the indieweb and owning your content is to own your domain name.

My personal site (where you might read this) has lived on at least three different web hosts but the domain has always been mine. In my particular case there are probably some broken permalinks in old posts that I will need to fix some day but most things are easily findable on the site.

It’s also nice that Aaron points out that the indieweb is not like the web of yore, it is so much more with webmentions and similar tools.

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🎧 Listened to: Episode 22: On the Road Again – Percolator

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🎧 Listened to: This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition β€’ September 1st – 7th, 2018

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🎧 Listened to: H.I. #59: Consumed by Donkey Kong β€” Hello Internet

Brady and Grey discusses follow up from their previous discussion on Guns, Germs and Steel and while the discussion itself is interesting, I think the main point can be found around the 39:50 mark.

If you here about a persons opinion and arguments and want to argue against them, make sure to go back to the source and check that the person actually thinks and argues what you’ve been told he/she is arguing. Don’t argue against someone else’s straw man of a person.

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Before I started to logg my podcast listening on my blog my ”system” for keeping track of important episodes and their content was to screen shot Overcast whenever I listened to something particularly interesting. I will use some of those screenshots to back-fill some data.

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Listened to 🎧: H.I. #107: One Year of Weird β€” Hello Internet

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🎧 Listened to: Cortex #74: The Biggest Challenge of Being a Human

Some interesting elaborations from CGP Grey on his decision to more or less leave social media for the rest of the year.

While I will not take as extreme actions as Grey, I do agree with him regarding the problem with screens everywhere, algorithms everywhere and the attention deficit society that it might lead to.
