Henrik Carlsson's Blog

All things me.

Liking stuff via the blog

posted this on and tagged it with Yak-shaving

I watch, read and consume a lot of stuff on the web. Recently I’ve taken a particular interest in YouTube, and I see a lot of cool, watch-worthy stuff there.

Sometimes when I see something awesome I click the thumbs up in YouTube, sometimes I don’t. Regardless, I also want to post some of the stuff that I like to the blog.

So far I’ve lacked a good way to do that. Part of what I lack is a good workflow to do it, one that makes it as low friction as possible but the main part is that I don’t know how to best display it on the blog. It would probably make sense to create a custom post type for ”likes” or ”interactions” or something similar, but I can’t help feeling like that is yak-shaving.

Therefor I think I should just get on with it. I’ll publish microblog posts with the text ”I liked (♥️) this:” and then a link (complete with u-like-of-microformat) to the video. I’ll also tag the posts with the like tag.