Henrik Carlsson's Blog

All things me.

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Using Medium is truly a great way to get more readers…

Skärmavbild 2016-07-29 kl. 13.39.34


Quick thoughts on the Nintendo NX

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A handheld console that can be connected to a TV seems like the right way to go, at least in my opinion. As previously discussion on this blog I love my 3DS but there are countless times that I’ve wished that it supported AirPlay or something similar that allowed me to put the video up on my TV.

Nintendo has been playing the game its own way, totally detached from the other console manufacturers spec race, for a long time. Maybe this is the way for them to go.

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Nintendo’s mysterious NX is reportedly a portable console that connects to your TV


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Jädrans vad många Pokémon och PokéStops det finns inne i Falun. Ibland är det bra att bo i kulturbygden.

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Free Speech


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Det känns väldigt omodernt med e-handel där jag tvingas skapa ett konto innan jag kan handla.

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Why are writers so obsessed with scary emotionless futures?


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Lightsaber battles are as fun and fantastic in real life


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Jag insåg just att det i år är femton år sedan jag slutade nian och därmed grundskolan.

Replies and comments

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“Here’s proof that the 140-char limit is crippling Twitter.”
