Henrik Carlsson's Blog

All things me.

#60: The Path to Independence – Developing Perspective

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And the best way to start is just to start. Things to avoid is a mindset that ”I have this great idea for an app and if only I had time to work on it it would be a big success.”

More often than not, in my experience going to NS Coder night meeting lots of people, it is not so much a question of time so much as it is a question of eagerness, of motivation and it’s easy and nice to have kind of this unicorn off in the distance that you can say ”if only I had time I’d be very successful, my app would be awesome and that would be great” because it’s easy to then sort of neglect all of the work and effort and the challenges that you would hit between starting and finishing that project.1

It really felt like David Smith was talking about me in episode #60 of Developing Perspective. The ”unicorn” metaphor seems very appropriate and applicable to a lot of things in my life. ”If only I had more time I’d write more songs.” ”If only I had the time to complete my unfinished master studies.” ”If only I had more time so I could make that great iOS App/Web Service that would be a great passive income.” and so on.

This, all these ”great” ideas that never really gets executed, is one of my least favorite things about myself. It’s something that I really need to sort out. I need to get on with what I want to do, start executing on it and then actually complete it.

Case in point; this post is an almost a year old draft that I for some reason didn’t post back then. Likely there was something great I should add to it ”if only I had more time”.