Henrik Carlsson's Blog

All things me.

My presence in various social networks

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Like so many other geeky people I’m a member of many social networks. The ones I actually use is twitter (@synvila), Instagram (mrhenko), Flickr (synvila) and Gowalla (mrhenko), and then there’s this blog. However, lately I think I’m starting to differentiate them in various ways and I’m seeing what I use each and every one of them for.

This blog is for longer or semi-long mostly tech related topics. It can also be links to techy things I find interesting and the occasional photo that I’ve taken. For this I use English as language. (Mostly American English.)

My tweets is almost always in Swedish. They also tend to be more or less geeky.

Instagram has really taken over twitter’s place as a network to tell people what I’m doing. It is quickly becoming my photo journal and if you’re interested in me as a whole person, not just as a geek, (although the geeky part is a pretty big part of me) this is where you should be following me.

Flickr is for my more or less ”ambitious” pictures. Here I post things that not necessary say anything about what I’m up to. It’s me pretending to be a photographer.

Gowalla is more or less dead to me. It feels a lot like last summers great romance. I still check in to places from time to time, but the check-ins are getting more and more far apart.