Henrik Carlsson's Blog

All things me.

posted this photo on and tagged it with Altan Deck Huset snapshots The House
The work on the pergola is slow, but yesterday we finally got the frame of it all up which really made it feel a lot more *done* all of a sudden.
posted this photo on and tagged it with Altan Deck Huset snapshots The House

I finished the privacy screen a few days ago. I’m hoping to get the frame of the pergola together this week.

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Two years ago, almost to the day, I posted a photo of the newly finished private screen for the deck and this year I’m remaking it and I’m finally making some progress.

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I’m glad I’ve kept the snow tires on.

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The πiFi got very hot after a while so I printed a new lid with the text and some slits for ventilation.

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Another day, another 3D print. This is the bottom part for the PiFi and will likely be the one that will be used for the first actual working beta version.

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Fingers crossed

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April’s Fool Weather, indeed

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So far Covid is going quite well for us. Linn is the only one with a confirmed infection but I’m fairly certain Iris has it as well and probably me too. Everybody feels quite okay today and we are all resting at the moment.

I’m enjoying a beer in the sun and I’m designing a mount for the car charger that I will 3D print later.

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The first print in my own 3D printer is on its way! ☺️

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