Henrik Carlsson's Blog

All things me.

Därför vill vi så gärna tro gott om tyranner | Kim Salomon | SvD

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När Sven Wollter sa i radion att Stalin var en inspiratör möttes han med axelryckningar och förlägna leenden. Om han sagt Hitler i stället hade Wollter portförbjudits från teaterscener, tv-soffor och spelat sin sista roll som mysfarbror. Nu sa han emellertid Stalin och fick frisedel.

Därför vill vi så gärna tro gott om tyranner | Kim Salomon | SvD

Out of the ashes

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<a href=”https://aeon.co/essays/could-we-reboot-a-modern-civilisation-without-fossil-fuels” rel=”bookmark-of class=”u-bookmark-of” >Out of the ashes

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Pokemon, Reviewed by a Dad Who Knows Nothing about Pokemon (John Green on YouTube)

A Review of the 2016 13″ MacBook Pro with Touch Bar | Becky Hansmeyer

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Becky Hansmeyer has an interesting approach to her review of the new MacBook Pro.

This isn’t going to be your typical MacBook review because there are plenty of those out there and most of them are very good. This review is for people who don’t give two craps how this year’s model compares to last year’s model and instead want to know how this year’s model compares to their crusty old ThickBook Pro from five years ago because that’s the one they’re upgrading from. Cool? Cool.

A Review of the 2016 13″ MacBook Pro with Touch Bar | Becky Hansmeyer

Adactio: Journal—Going rogue

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At one point in Rogue One, Galen Erso explicitly invokes the justification that they’d find someone else to do this work anyway. It sounds a lot like Tim Cook’s memo to Apple staff justifying his presence at a roundtable gathering that legitimised the election of a misogynist bigot to the highest office in the land. I’m sure that Tim Cook, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Sheryl Sandberg all think they are playing the part of Galen Erso but I wonder if they’ll soon find themselves indistinguishable from Orson Krennic.

Adactio: Journal—Going rogue

Interesting piece by Jeremy Keith. I think all of us, regardless of what line of business we’re in, should consider whether the work we do for a living results in something that we really can stand behind, morally speaking. And if it doesn’t, perhaps we should try, if possible, to find something else to do to pay the bills.

Medium may not last | Manton Reece

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The message is clear. The only web site that you can trust to last and have your interests at heart is the web site with your name on it.

Medium may not last | Manton Reece

I agree, and Manton’s upcoming Micro.blog seems like a great place to go for this.

If you haven’t yet backed Manton’s Kickstarter you really should. Sure, it’s already way past its funding goal, but by adding you money to the pile you’ll help show Manton that there’s a big demand for this kind of service.

Indie Microblogging: owning your short-form writing by Manton Reece — Kickstarter

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Manton Reece has finally launched the Kickstarter for his Micro.blog project (formerly Snippets.today). If, like me, you’re interested in the open web and a more decentralized future online you should back this project. I think Manton’s onto something big, something much more sustainable then the good old Twitter clones.

Hi, my name is Manton Reece, and I’m writing a book called Indie Microblogging. I’m also launching a brand new platform for microblogs.


I want to encourage more independent writing. To do that, we need better tools that embrace microblogs and the advantages of the open web. We need to learn from the success and user experience of social networking, but applied to the full scope of the web.

I first set out to build a new service just for microblogs. It has a timeline experience like a social network, with replies and favorites, but it’s based on RSS, with the main posts pulled from independent sites.

Indie Microblogging: owning your short-form writing by Manton Reece — Kickstarter

Guns N’ Roses-fans slog sönder Donald Trump-piñata på scen – Dagens Nyheter

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Guns N’ Roses tog ut en Donald Trump-piñata på scen vid en spelning på torsdagen. Därefter uppmanade frontfiguren Axl Rose publiken att förstöra den.

Guns N’ Roses-fans slog sönder Donald Trump-piñata på scen – Dagens Nyheter

1950 Curta Calculator – YouTube

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The Curta Calculators is such fascinating devices. I first heard about something like them when a friend showed me an old mechanical calculator that he’d picked up from an antics shop. Later I read Pattern Recognition by William Gibson where a Curta plays an important role.

1950 Curta Calculator (YouTube).

Arson as a Christmas Tradition: The Gävle Goat – YouTube

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In Gävle, Sweden, every year they build Gävlebocken, an enormous traditional Swedish Christmas straw goat. And every year, someone tries to burn it down. Here’s to holiday traditions.

Arson as a Christmas Tradition: The Gävle Goat – YouTube