Henrik Carlsson's Blog

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The soundtrack to a movie never made

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I början av nittiotalet hittade Christian Gabel en samling bilder som av allt att döma verkar ha varit arbetsmaterial inför en planerad filmproduktion. Bilderna var daterade 1982 och målade upp scener som utspelar sig i ett postapokalyptiskt Karlstad.

(My translation:)

In the early nineties Christian Gabel found a collection of images which appeared to have been working-draft sketches for a movie. The pictures where marked as being from 1982 and showed scenes from a post-apocalyptic Karlstad (a medium-sized Swedish town).1

Now Christian has created a sort of soundtrack to this non-existing movie. It’s a beautiful synth soundtrack that’s inspired by the music from Blade Runner, The Escape from New York and similar movies.

I don’t know if the story of him finding pictures at a flea market is true or not, but it really doesn’t matter. The music, called Krater, is very beautiful and if you’re a fan of either vintage synth music, early eighties sci-fi movies or both you’ll likely love this.

Krater: Ett soundtrack av Christian Gabel till en film som aldrig gjordes from Karnhuset on Vimeo.

(via Reworked)