Henrik Carlsson's Blog

All things me.

Fnordspotting: Om reg(l)eringen Löfven och crowdfunding

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Fnordspotting: Om reg(l)eringen Löfven och crowdfunding


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Fnordspotting: Om Sommar i P1 och Malin Krutmeijers närsynthet.


From Gamergate to Cecil the lion: internet mob justice is out of control.

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From Gamergate to Cecil the lion: internet mob justice is out of control.


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Yea, I know that’s an old post from Marco. That doesn’t make it any less true though.

Twitter is a Corporate API – Marco.org

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I think Marco’s spot on in this observation. – “On a long enough timescale, Dave Winer is usually proven right.”


How future-safe are your ideas?

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“Will the Big Think piece you just posted to Medium be there in 2035?” – How future-safe are your ideas?


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This is a reply to http://rhiaro.co.uk/2015/07/synvilahttptwittercomsynvila (and by extension a test to see if the webmentions plugin work correctly.)

Thank you for your reply and the links. indiewebify.me was a lot easier to get something out of than the ”Getting started” page on the indieweb wiki.

Andy Ihnatko on the iOS 7/8 UI

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I agree with Andy. I especially think the iOS 7/8 UI feels harder to use that <=6. Did I hit that button?


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Splinter Cell 3D for Nintendo 3DS, yay or nay?

När det blåser på Östersjön – sitt då riktigt still i ubåten.

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Ubåtsstoryn är en påminnelse om att när media jagar klick istället för sanningen så måste vi bli mera källkritiska.
