Henrik Carlsson's Blog

All things me.

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Twitter just nu är alltså fotboll, Almedalen och Apple Music. Det finns med andra ord ingen anledning att hänga kvar där i kväll.

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Six Colors: Seven years on, a MacBook Pro prepares for El Capitan.


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Gah! So much of the time spent ”programming” is spent on the stupid stuff.

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It seems to me like webmentions is a way too complicated solution to the problem that trackbacks solved years ago. Why fix that which ain’t broken?

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The whole indieweb-thing seems neat, but as with so many other similar projects it’s really hard to implement and use their ideas.

A question for WordPress developers #wordpress

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Imagine a photo-sharing site built with WordPress. For all intents and purposes it’s like Instagram. Every post has a photo, posts can’t be photo-less and you can’t have more than one photo in a post.

Would you implement this using the Featured Image property of a post or would the photo be ”hard coded” so to speak in each post using an <img> element inside the actual post content?

Any thoughts? Please let me know via App.Net, e-mail or Twitter.

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Just launched XCode on my new computer and compiled a program. Oh my that’s fast! I think I can get used to this computer.

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Apple Watch kommer till Sverige 17:e juli. Det hade jag helt missat.


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Since I’ve just started using app.net again I’m on the lookout for a good, up to date, ADN client for iOS. Any suggestions?

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Nu är den här arbetsdagen äntligen slut och jag har semester! Hurra!