Henrik Carlsson's Blog

All things me.

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Also, I need to change my gravatar.

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I’ve been putting off moving my main site from a shared host to a VPS for what feels like an eternity. I know I got to do it because it’ll make the site a lot faster and thereby making blogging more enjoyable.

Maybe tonight’s the night when I start the process?

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Control Center on the iPhone X | Becky Hansmeyer

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If you’ve been thinking about getting in to podcasting, this is a great chance to learn some new things and check out our studio!

Things are coming together with the STREAMPDX podcast studio! … • Aaron Parecki

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As I’m moving away from Twitter, there are some things that have been locked in over there that I want to move over to my own blog. One such thing is a few screen shots from Breath of the Wild.

I still haven’t figured out a good way to ”Rube Goldberg” my tweets from the Switch to my blog. It’ll likely be something really low tech in the end.

Hero's path

Link with Tingle hat



Hestu is the Bestu!

Link pulls the Master Sword from its pedestal

A Gerudo guard is gendering me and, based on that assumption, stops me from entering Gerudo Town


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I’m getting back into playing Breath of the Wild again. Yesterday I started searching for one of the last lost memories. I was sure I knew ruffly where it was so I looked around like crazy but couldn’t find it, so I had to give up.

Today I made another attempt, realized I was looking in the wrong place and also where I should look an low and behold, I found it! I thought about googling it multiple times when I got frustrated but now I’m so glad that I didn’t. The feeling of accomplishment was really intense when I found it.

A memory in Breath of the Wld